Friday, June 21, 2013

It's All About Me

If this blog is truly about self care, then I think it's important to create a list of tasks to complete to help get back into the swing of things. Things being using my heart, mind, and exploring my deeper being in order to improve myself.

1. Read more books
2. Make time to meditate
3. Separate work from my "other life"
4. Think more deeply
5. Engage in meaningful conversations
6. Reflect
7. Love
8. Laugh
9. Be happy
10. Be thankful

I didn't anticipate this blog would get off to such a cheesy start, but I'm going to run with it. I've been delving in and out of a rut for the past year or so and it's time to take control and break the cycle. I am ready to be free.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

The Start of Something New

I haven't blogged in what feels like a million years. And to be honest, I didn't really think people blogged any more. But alas, here I am, ready to purge. The reason behind the creation of this blog is to become more reflective. The last time I kept a blog on a regular basis during a time when when my life was a lot less exhausting, slower-paced, and I was far more isolated from the world. The combination of those things allowed me to be more reflective, thoughtful, and aware. I have since spent my days going through the motions, thinking very little about the depth of my being, my relationships, and the world we live in. Wow, this is far deeper than I expected to go in my first post.

But really, I need to turn my brain back on and get the gears turning. My career as a social worker has made me feel like I must turn my brain off when I get home so as not to over think what I have seen or heard during my work day. That is the opposite of what I need to do. Maybe this blog will be my form of self-care in a world full of chaos and confusion.

Stay tuned...